Thursday, December 27, 2012

How We Made It Onto the Naughty List

It is finally here!  One of those projects that have taken SO long to be completed is finally finished.  Lots of thanks go to Chief Flying Monkey and FM1 for putting the chicken wire on and hanging everything (including the Christmas cards).

Neither idea is original.  I found both, in multiple styles, on Pinterest and other decorating/craft/diy websites.  I have not seen any pictures where they are hung together.  

Yep, it is a blue deer head (Dasher) and a memory board made from an extra large frame.  And, yes, the deer does have lights in his antlers.  You may be wondering where one finds a deer-head lamp.  Well, here in the South, we just check the local garage sales.  One might even show up at your local thrift store, just keep looking.

The frame is off the clearance aisle at Hobby Lobby.  If someone had made a video of FM2 and I trying to load this seriously over sized frame into our RAV4, we would be YouTube stars.  It did fit, with some a lot finagling.

After applying primer (from a spray can to get into all the nooks and crannies since neither the deer nor frame were smooth), I applied spray paint to evenly coat the items.  Then Chief and FM1 attached chicken wire from a home improvement store to the back of the frame with a staple gun.  Then they hung it for me while I baked cookies.

The cards are attached to the wire with binder clips.  And it is done!

Friday, March 30, 2012


For those of you who have not already discovered (been sucked into) Pinterest, it is a website that lets you share images, with links to the original sites, that interest you.

One complaint is that no one ever completes any of the projects they "pin". Well, I have. In fact, I completed two. I made some wonderfully rich hand cream and some Rosemary-Mint fabric softener. And I have two more recipes to try. I will let you know how they turn out.

I also have found several ideas for using the boys worn-out jeans and t-shirts they just can't part with. And, if you have a problem, there is probably a solution. I have found several solutions on there. You just need to be willing to alter the original idea to fit your situation.

The second complaint about Pinterest is that it is way too easy to get distracted, waste time, etc. I can't dispute that. Everyone will just have to find their own solution.

Two solutions I have found to help with, not eliminate, this problem are the same ones I use for other "time wasters". I wait until right before bed when I need quiet time. Or, I enjoy it while I am waiting somewhere. It sure makes waiting more enjoyable.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Local Artist

I haven't completed anything new to show you, but I have a wonderful friend, Sharon, who has consented to let me show off some of her art.  She not only creates her own art, she is passing along her passion to students in Pickens county, Alabama.  Judging by the comments her fellow teachers left on her facebook page, she is doing a great job.  She and her husband Steven, who creates jewellry, have taken FM1 under their wings and are helping him to hone his artistic skills and giving him the confidence to do what he loves.

(I admit it, I want her to will me this next one.  Better yet, just sell it to me, she's younger than I am.)

If you have liked this sample of Sharon's artwork, please leave a comment and I will make sure she gets it.  If you would like to know more about her and her work, leave a comment and I will see to it that she gets your information.